Photo by <a href="" target="_blank">David Travis</a> on <a href="" target="_blank">Unsplash</a>

Photo by David Travis on Unsplash

Episode 2 Recap

Episode 2 saw our teams navigating from Tlell, Haida Gwaii, to Dawson City, Yukon, a journey of nearly 2,000km.

The start was a little familiar as they all , but then the routes started to deviate, even if the transport was mostly hitching lifts or car hire.

Claudia and Kevin

The wining team from Week 1, but the tight finish and the fact all teams had to get the ferry back to Prince Rupert meant they saw little benefit from leaving first.

This week they took a job cleaning kennels for accommodation, food and a sauna. I think personally I'd rather continue cleaning kennels then do the sauna <-> snow dance, but they looked like they enjoyed it!

They seemed to be getting on a bit better, but as they met with Zainib and Mobeen at the fuel stop in Whitehorse, Claudia seemed to be loosing motivation, which might hinder them in the race to catch up, as currently they're over 26 hours behind 1st place.

Marc and Michael

Marc and Michael seemed to be focusing on their emotional journey this week, rather than the physical one. Working out how to function as team might put them in better practice for future legs, but with car rental and rafting / sight-seeing, they didn't even make it to the checkpoint this episode, so they'll have to pull out all the stops to catchup the other teams.

Monique and Ladi

Monique and Ladi had what I thought was a great plan with a camper van, although it seemed to instantly fall apart as the van broke down. I'm still not entirely clear how that was resolved - as with other points in this episode the editing seemed to miss key parts of the story but the footage of the sky over the two camping in Bear Glacier Park was breathtaking.

Zainib and Mobeen

Probably my favourite team, Zainib and Mobeen took a sightseeing approach, with the first team ever to use a plane in the race. Not to get anywhere of course, just too look at the glorious scenery of Klune National Park!

Despite ruthlessly interrogating the locals for murderous intention, Mobeen and Zainib managed to hitch lifts well enough I think they got to the Yukon territory first. They ended up in a pretty close race ending up only about 90mins behind Monique and Ladi at the checkpoint.

Tricia and Cathie

The clear winners this week, Tricia and Cathie, got a bus, hired a car, and made it to Dawson City over 24 hours before the other teams.

With a days head-start for the next checkpoint, they seem a good bet for winning episode 3, although it's not clear how much they spent on the car (or how they even got from Whitehorse to Dawson City) so they might want to stop to make up some money, and may end up overtake by a slower team trying to speed run the next round.

Episode 2 - Leaderboard

  • 1st -  Tricia & Cathie
  • 2nd - Monique & Ladi +25 hours
  • 3rd - Zainib & Mobeen +26.5 hours

Yet to arrive: Marc and Michael, Claudia and Kevin


Next week the teams will be heading to the Rocky Mountain resort town of Banff, nearly 3000km south of Dawson City. And the last team to make this checkpoint will be eliminated from the contest 😬

Think you can predict who'll get to Banff first? Make your Episode three prediction here.