Photo by <a href="" target="_blank">Alex Knight</a> on <a href="" target="_blank">Unsplash</a>

Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

Episode 3 - AI advice

After last week's disaster where the AI focused more on horse racing then helpful commentary I wasn't so optimistic about the advice for episode 3. But I asked anyway and Google Gemini seemed to have it's circuits on straight this time:

 I don't have specific information about the first team to arrive at the checkpoint in Episode 3 of Celebrity Race Across the World 2024.
The outcome of the race is typically kept secret until the episode airs. However, based on the previous episodes and the teams' performance, you can make educated guesses.
To get the most accurate information, I recommend:
Watching the episode: This is the most reliable way to find out who wins.
Checking entertainment news outlets: Websites and magazines often cover the show and may have spoilers or predictions.

All valuable advice to be honest - although reading specific spoilers might take some of the fun out of the game, and watching the episode to find out who wins, rather ignores the point of predicting it!

Anyway as we seemed to be doing pretty well, and it appeared to know what the show was again I asked it to make an "educated guess". It replied:

Based on the information available at this time, here are a few teams that might be strong contenders for Episode 3:
[Team 1]: [Reason why they might be strong contenders]
[Team 2]: [Reason why they might be strong contenders]
[Team 3]: [Reason why they might be strong contenders]
Please note that this is purely speculative, and the actual winner could be any of the remaining teams.

Maybe I spoke too soon. AI: [Reason why it's still not a strong contender to replace people]

Think you can do better than predicting [Team 1]? Get your prediction in here!