Photo by <a href="" target="_blank">Chris</a> on <a href="" target="_blank">Unsplash</a>

Photo by Chris on Unsplash

Celebrity 2024 Episode 2 Recap

Episode two started with the teams having a lovely boat trip - except for Kola & Mary who had yet to arrive. When they did Kelly seemed jealous of their more relaxed/party-like leg one. The distinction between those and the more ‘sensible’ teams was further highlighted as it was mentioned that teams Jeff & Freddy and Scott & Sam had yet to spend any money on accommodation!

That budgeting message didn’t make a long lasting impact though as last weeks winners so first to leave, Kelly and Jeremy left with Kelly keen to take the beach route and Jeremy getting them an expensive taxi to their next bus. This proved to be a phenomenally bad move, as they arrived in Aracati with not enough Brazilian Reals to catch the early bus, spending 7 hours waiting for the cheaper midnight option. Once their bus arrived in Natal they also spent valuable time trying to find a bank to exchange money for the right currency, before they could head down the cost towards the checkpoint.

With similar currency problems, but with more ingenuity were Scott & Sam who saw Kelly and Jeremy leave via taxi, then were shocked to meet them still waiting at the bus station. Proving Buddhists aren’t the only religion who deal with change, the couple found some friendly Mormons who could do some currency conversion.

Keeping up with the leaders seemed to put the team in good spirits, however Scott seemed to be pondering his life status as they journeyed further, becoming the oldest visitors at a tourist hostel, and Scott being mistaken for Sam’s father. Even a tourist who recognised him, added the backhanded compliment of “I used to listen to you on my way to school”

Having delighted at seeing Kelly and Jeremey they were less impressed when entering Recife and seeing Kola and Mary already leaving!

Last week's distant losers, the cousins had adopted a “Far and fast” policy, choosing a 12 hour bus trip from Canoa Quebrada to Reclife to get them back in the race. Still with a bit of sightseeing of horses in Olinda they weren't super rushed, but their diminishing budget was taking the hits.

They did luck out however when the bus from Petrolândia to Lençóis was sold out and they were offered a taxi at the same price as the cost of their bus tickets.

The real performers this week though were Jeff & Freddy, who took a more direct interior route rather than the coast, although that meant a first step of heading backwards to Fortaleza. Freddy was keen to do some alpaca farming, and Jeff was keen to let Freddy take charge, so they were probably the most cohesive team.

Heading for Juazeiro do Norte on an overnight bus, Freddy took them to the Statue of Father Cícero, a sight he thought his dad would like, while Jeff seemed more keen to get going towards the checkpoint.

Jeff didn’t need to worry though - despite their burst of speed, Kola and Mary were the closest to the father and son team, yet still arrived over 15 hours behind. The father and son also appear to have the highest remaining budget, significantly higher than Kola & Mary and Kelly and Jeremy.

Scott & Sam Jeff & Freddy
- 79%
Scott & Sam Kola & Mary
+15h 20m 66%
Scott & Sam Kelly & Jeremy
+20h 29m 66%
Scott & Sam Scott & Sam

So will Scott & Sam be motivated by fourth place to rush the next leg? Will Kola and Mary push to get a first place win? Think you can predict who'll make the 3rd checkpoint first? Get your prediction in before episode 3 starts to see if you can claim the points!