Photo by <a href="" target="_blank">Victor He</a> on <a href="" target="_blank">Unsplash</a>

Photo by Victor He on Unsplash

Episode 3 Recap: Bonifacio to Zermatt

The race to Zermatt was a fun one with train times and strikes messing up plans, meaning most of the teams had a chance to see some sights, even if they'd rather be on the move. It wasn't a budget friendly episode either, with the halfway checkpoint seeing all of our teams arrive with less than 50% of their budget left.

Harry & Emma

The leading team had only a 30 minute head start so took an early taxi to Bastia, then took the Italian route towards Switzerland, heading through Tuscany. They took some interesting jobs this week - first carving some marble in Tuscany, then later acting as stable hands near Lake Como.

I wasn't totally sold on the idea of jobbing travelers being put in charge of marble sculpting, but after Emma mis-identified a cow as a horse I think they might have been even less suited as stablehands then sculptures!

Mel & Helene

Focusing on saving budget, Mel & Helene took an opposite approach, hitchhiking (slowly) to Bastia, and going via France where they could stay with a friend. The plan seemed ill thought through as with no address or contact info they rode a taxi around Nice, trying to stumble on their friends apartment. But it worked out in the end, got them free board for the night and spent the next day in Castle Hill. Personal highlight - Mel jumping a mile at the canon they'd come to see go off at noon, went off at noon! 😆

Billy & Bonny

After their terrible jobs of the last few weeks, Billy wanted to take a more sight-seeing approach for this leg, so persuaded Bonny they should go via France rather then her Italian suggestion.

Traveling a similar route but with a taxi and no free accommodation, the siblings spent a lot money this leg matching Mel & Helene's progress. They took some nice time to explore the caves in grotte de choranche, but stopped by train strikes in Annecy they explored the town, while Mel & Helene found a job in an Eco camp for free board to catch the train tomorrow.

Alex & Noel

Setting off a day latter then the others, Alex and Noel wanted to speed this leg. The third team to take a taxi to Bastia, they took the Italian route but immediately seemed to get confused between the cheaper trains and the faster trains not being the same thing. They were also keen to keep a small budget, working in a vineyard for a free room - that clearly didn't meet Alex's more high-end expectations. But choosing to describe the tiny room as 'perfect' Alex powered thorugh and by Milan they had spent the least of all the teams, allowing them to get a faster train into Zermatt.


Billy and Bonny made it first to Switzerland, but with rail cancellations ended up stuck at Brig with expensive hotels unfortunately their only option. Harry & Emma also hit train problems, getting held at Visp by engineering works. Turns out the Swiss can make a fine watch, but not a good train timetable!

Alex and Noel continued their hustling, powering around Zermatt although not always in the right direction! Their attempts were well rewarded though, arriving second, 12 hours after Harry & Emma.

Billy and Bonny took third, Mel & Helene arriving fourth. But with healthiest budget left, maybe they have a chance for a turn around for episode 4? Make your prediction here.


1Harry & Emma~47%
2Alex & Noel+12 Hours45%
3Billy & Bonny+?? Hours43%
4Mel & Helene+?? Hours49%