Celebrity 2024 - Episode 5 AI Advice

With so much going on in episode 4 it's hard to know where to begin with your prediction! Jeff and Freddy are an unknown amount behind, but have two recent wins and significant spare money. Scott and Sam have finally found their mojo and have raced very well in the last few legs, while Kola and Mary - well predictions there might be about if they will finish at all!

But in an attempt to showcase the power(?) of AI I like to ask it how it would analyze the current chances. But first we had a slight time-related hiccup:

The next episode of Celebrity Race Across the World has already aired. The winner of that episode would have been announced during the broadcast.
If you'd like to know the outcome of the episode, I recommend checking entertainment news outlets or streaming platforms where the show is available.

Which is both unhelpful AI advice, and an intriguing misunderstanding of the concept of 'next'. I sought to update the Ai's position:

You're absolutely right! I apologize for the oversight. It seems I may have gotten confused with another show or a different season.

I'm not sure how 'next episode' can be a different season, but let's not split circuits over this, we'll just hear its 'next episode' advice:

Based on the teams' performance in previous episodes, here are a few potential contenders for the quickest team in Episode 5:
Kelly and Jeremy: They have shown a remarkable ability to adapt to different environments and unexpected situations.

Is this true? Not sure about unexpected situations (although the whole show is that I guess), but different environments seems even more of a stretch. Kelly nearly booked a different hotel because the cheaper option wasn't really her environment!

Sill what's its other suggestion?

Alfie and Owen: They have consistently demonstrated strong teamwork and a strategic approach to the challenges.

Uh... now I do think it's gotten confused with another show and different season!

Although credit were it's due I guess they did show strong teamwork and a strategic approach!

However, it's important to remember that the outcome of the race can change rapidly due to various factors. The teams' strategies, the challenges they encounter, and even the weather can significantly impact the results.

Ahh, the real truth. The games hard even if you can identify who's currently playing!

If you can make a pick though, do so before the episode starts tonight to qualify for points!